Harley Dealer Digital Program

Certified CRM

As you may be aware Harley Davidson recently rolled out their H-D Dealer Digital Program. Selecting a certified CRM/ILM to receive HDMC leads in real time is a requirement of the program. These leads include HDMC owned sources including Corporate Events, Dealer Lead App (DLA), H-D.com, SMART enrollments, and Private Offers. As well as all leads generated through sources enrolled in the H-D Dealer Digital Program. Our ProcessPro Software is one of the Harley Davidson certified CRM's to select from.

Harley Davidson ProcessPro


  • Intelligent Marketing & Data Mining
  • Comprehensive Reports
  • Automated Lead Follow-Ups
  • Centralized Client Information
  • Advanced Organizational Tools
  • E-Brochures
  • Text Messaging
  • E-mail, Task, and Appointment Management
  • Customizable Follow-Up Schedule
  • Mobile Application
  • Web Based System
  • Stop-the-Clock for Internet Leads
  • Personalized Service
  • Letters
  • Reporting
  • Mobile Driver's License Scanner
Harley Davidson DMS

Dealer Management Software Integration

ProcessPro integrates with most Dealer Management Software solutions including Talon, CDK Lite Speed, IDS and many others. This allows a dealer to market to their existing sale and service customer database.

700 4th St. Bay City, Michigan


Mon - Fri, 8:00AM-6:00PM

